To see low-income women entrepreneurs develop their business and become economic leaders in their community.


To provide income generation opportunities to women entrepreneurs through business advice and mentoring.


To make a difference through social contribution to economic development, helping women entrepreneurs achieve self-sufficiency, sustainability and confidence.
Soleya Fiji - Social Entrepreneurship in the South Pacific

The Soleya Way

Noellie Garand, Director of Soleya Fiji a Social Entrepreneurship Consultancy in the South Pacific

Soleya is a Responsible and Sustainable Social Enterprise Consultancy. We provide outsourced expertise in business development and social enterprise solutions.

A big focus is on social entrepreneurship and part of our profit is regularly shared through donations and funded activities – this is ‘The Soleya Way’. We help micro-entrepreneurs pro bono and make a difference in their lives.

Tiko Ledua's daughter. Soleya Fiji donated a camera

“The Soleya Way is a philosophy. You help if you can, you share what you know or have if it can make a difference in the lives of the people around you.”

Soleya Fiji a Social Entrepreneurship Consultancy in the South Pacific
This is a photo of dear friends Qori and Una, on a trip to Avea island in the Lau Group in December 2018. This was at Vanua Balavu airport, the main airport in the Lau Group of Fiji. The cover photo above is of Dakui Yeveya beach, Qori’s beach on Avea Island.

Media Presence

Soleya and students of Soleya’s Training courses have been featured in several media articles and social media posts. Click below to see the full article/view the video.

A video showing the wonderful collaboration with TTFB (iTaukei Trust Fund Board) to deliver business training sessions in Rotuma.

“Watch this space as we bring you videos of the women in Rotuma being innovative in using the resources readily available around them that are often neglected.

Witness how they communally engage in Creative arts, all for the purpose of income generation and improving livelihoods…”
#rotumanentrepreneurship #creativearts #IslandLifeGoals

Fiji Times article about Soleya and WWE Market in Martitar
WWE Market Group Thrives and Gives Back
Soleya Business Training Student Nishrat of Aroma Fiji expands product line
Soleya Business Training Student Nishrat of Aroma Fiji expands product line
Fiji Times article on Soleya's triple bottom line
Soleya's Triple Bottom Line
Fiji-Times Article about NuShaCare and Sarote Soleya Business Training Student September-2023
NuShaCare - Soleya Business Training Student Sarote interview
Soleya Fiji Sun article - Social Entrepreneur works to empower changemakers
Social Entrepreneur Works to Empower Changemakers

What We Do

We offer a range of Professional Services from Project Management to Business Strategy and Business Support. Below is a video for the launch of the Fiji ePhytos Enhanced Services, in March 2023 at the Holiday Inn in Suva, that Soleya worked on with the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji. ePhytos help Fijian exporters save time and money getting the necessary biosecurity approvals digitally when exporting plants and plant products overseas. You can read more about the Fiji ePhyto project here.

Professional Services

Project Management

Business Strategy

Financial Management

Policy Development

Training coordination

Human Resources


Event Planning

Health & Safety


Soleya Projects

In this section you will see the latest projects Soleya has worked on. From business registration, grants, financial literacy awareness sessions, business training sessions and large projects like the ePhyto Fiji Project. To see all Soleya projects click on the button ‘All Projects’ below or visit the Projects page.


In this section you’ll see Soleya’s latest Blog posts – useful information and updates written by Noellie. You can click on a post to read it or see all posts with the ‘All Blog Posts’ button below or on the Blog page.


These are some of the wonderful partners we work with.